Daisypath Anniversary tickers


Trial exam END!

7 days of trial exam passed.
it's time to restart for the real exam.
well, i didnt work hard for this time and i didnt do well for this trial exam.
hmm, i worry actually. stressing a lot.
I felt I am a failure!

Something happened yesterday, that had made me very unhappy.
I felt so sad and didnt have any mood to do anything.
even i think to pass up my paper blank today.
but at last, i ask myself to write something on the paper.
i simply shaded on the paper before the questions paper is given.
i already give up at the moment, but i heard someone said something to me.
i woke up and the question paper is on my table, i start to do it.
but paper 2, i really cant write anything there.

Well, after exam, we all go back home and then go to restaurant for our farewell party.
when we reach there, we are just the second and the third.
all of them havent been there. they were late.
wait for few minutes then teachers reach there already.
we go into the restaurant and waiting them.
Waiter started to serve the dishes.
let me tell you all a secret. the dishes are all cold.
i still thinking that is that they prepared it early and wait until we come and then serve to us?
okay lar, we still enjoy there.
having lunch for about half an hour, and then chit chat for more half an hour.
and then dismissed.
this is how our farewell party. quite bored for me.(sorry)

i'm sleepy now.

to be continue


2 給我的話:

我是橙子,Halo! said...

trial passed means the real is coming soon!

Shin Yee said...

橙子 @ Kar Ping
i know that.
but why you want to tell me so early?
it's killing me, you know?